If you want to create your own start-up company, the first step toward success is to present your business idea. Indeed, you have to learn how to present your start-up project to prospective clients and investors. Moreover, the exchange of points of view can be very useful to highlight new threats and opportunities you might […]
Paulo Andrez is the new president of Eban, the European business angels network. Andrez succeed to Brigitte Baumann who held precidency since 2009 and will be helped in his job by the executive committee composed of Luigi Amati, Philippe Gluntz, Nelson Gray and René Reijtenbagh. Paulo Andrez is an Angel investor, Vice-President of […]
Sono stati divulgati i primi dati della Survey Iban 2011, che riporta un quadro non esaustivo, ma indicativo dell’angel investing italiano. L’indagine è stata svolta attraverso un questionario online, al quale hanno partecipato quest’anno 225 business angel, suddivisi in soci diretti e indiretti appartenenti a Club e BAN associati e terze parti individuate dall’associazione […]
Compito a casa: “Pensa a una tua idea, sfrutta le tue conoscenze e realizzala nel minor tempo possibile, condividila con i tuoi compagni e spiega loro come hai fatto, in quanto tempo e cosa hai utilizzato, racconta che musica ascoltavi durante la realizzazione, se lavoravi dentro la tua cameretta o in un prato, […]
European Business Angel Network annual meeting is taking place in Moscow and a the end of the first day of congress EBAN nominated the champions of the year. Next nomination will probably be the new president that will be announced later today. Philippe Gluntz, President of France Angels and business angel affiliated to Paris […]
European Business Angel Network annual meeting is taking place in Moscow and at the end of the first day of congress EBAN nominated the champions of the year. Next nomination will probably be the new president that will be announced later today. Philippe Gluntz, President of France Angels and business angel affiliated to Paris […]
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