Startupbusiness is one of the three Italian partner of Microsoft BizSparkPlus program as long as dPixel and I3P and one of the high quilified partner of the program worlwide. This month are the Italian partners on the international spotlight on the BizSparkPlus website you can see here. Startupbusiness is proud to be one of […]
Intesa Sanpaolo Startup Initiative will organize tomorrow the event dedicated to innovative start-ups with innovation projects in mobile and mobile services, there will be start-ups from Italy, Uk, Spain, SouthAfrica and United States. All projects are high innovative and high growth ones, once again the Intesa Sanpaolo Startup Initiative presents high quality start-ups teams […]
E’ in corso oggi e domani la nuova edizione della Intesa Sanpaolo Startup Initiative interamente dedicata alle startup del settore Ict ed elettronica e del mobile and mobility. Nella giornata di oggi 13 giugno si presentano le startup dell’Ict e dell’elettronica mostrando progetti di altissima qualità, domani 14 giugno presso la BlendTower di Piazza […]
Startup Weekend Torino, international edition, wow! Last weekend (June, 8-9-10) in Turin, the second edition of Startup Weekend Torino took place, thanks to I3P, Microsoft Bizspark, Top-Ix and Treatabit. About 120 highly trained guys and girls came to Turin from different places of Italy and Europe to attend the event, […]
Startup Weekend Torino, international edition, wow! Circa 120 preparatissimi iscritti, tra cui diversi stranieri, ben 45 idee lanciate in partenza nella serata di venerdì, 15 votate e attorno alle quali si sono organizzate i team che nelle ore successive, hanno lavorato senza sosta allo sviluppo di un prodotto e […]
I wrote an article about the need to create a Mediterranean wide start-up ecosystem in order to foster the development of innovation in the area. The article is publishes by Wamda the main platform that aims to empower the entrepreneurhsip in the Mena (Middle east, North Africa) region. Wamda is a media site, a […]
I wrote an article about the need to create a Mediterranean wide start-up ecosystem in order to foster the development of innovation in the area. The article was published by Wamda, the main platform that aims to empower the entrepreneurhsip in the Mena (Middle east, North Africa) region. Wamda is both a media site […]
Al via l’ottava edizione di Nanochallenge & Polymerchallenge, business plan competition organizzata congiuntamente da Veneto Nanotech, Distretto Veneto per le Nanotecnologie ed Imast, Distretto sull’ Ingegneria dei Materiali Polimerici e Compositi e Strutture, in collaborazione con Intesa SanPaolo Startup Initiative. Nanochallenge&Polymerchallenge è il concorso internazionale per idee di business basate sull’applicazione industriale delle nanotecnologie dei materiali […]
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